2022-2024 Executive Board

As Johnson County Democrats we are here to represent the principles and values of our party. We do this through our mission, which is to support and promote the election and re-election of Democratic candidates to local, state, and national office.

Executive Board Officers

Executive Board Members

  • Senate 6
    Judy Snyder
  • Senate 7
    Jennifer Day and Dan Wancura
  • Senate 8
    Denise Riedel and Barton Stanley
  • Senate 9
    Annette Dye and Ray Ramirez
  • Senate 10
    Kristen Blackton and Tim Quinn
  • Senate 11
    Linda Finkle and Richard Nobles
  • Senate 21
    Scott Roby and Lori Slettehaugh
  • Senate 23
    Rana Bentley and Mike Shimeall
  • Senate 35
    Alan Marston and Becca Peck
  • Senate 37
    Gerald Gentry and Kristin Shultz


At-Large Members

  • Danielle Robinson
  • Jill Rogers
  • Richard Weast
Our Member Organizations

Counties & Caucuses

Democratic National Committee (DNC)


Kansas Democratic Party

Chair: Jeanna Repass


Kansas Third Congressional District

Chair: Richard Nobles


Johnson County Young Dems

Co-Chairs: JJ Briscoe and Reed Krewson


Johnson County Democratic Women
